I am indeed prone to motion sickness—literally and figuratively–which is probably why this illustration comes to mind.

I wonder if you experience this too. Sometimes I naively I think that, if I’m sensitive to and obedient to God’s leading, I’m likely to be in His Will. True. But, being in His Will doesn’t necessarily mean a perfectly smooth flight. Also True.

Sometimes we can be in His Will and still experience irritating, even gut-wrenching delays. Then we remember that God is not bound by time as we are. “A thousand years are like a day that has just gone by or like a watch in the night“ (Psalm 90:4, 2 3:8). Often those delays are part of our faith training and conditioning. Sometimes we are even being protected from unknown dangers. Once I was headed to San Francisco to be trained in a new ministry.  I was really excited about it, yet, when the time drew close, there were so many demands on my time and energy that I just couldn’t leave. I felt the Lord encouraging me to stay faithful to the work and ministry to which I was already committed. I cancelled the flight and lost my money.  Guess when that happened. It happened the week of September 11, 2001

There can also be turbulence on a flight—even when we’re soaring in the course God has charted for us. We can be bounced around, jostled, and struck with fear wondering, “Is this ‘normal’ turbulence, or is this the precursor to a crash?” And what can we do when we’re tossed around and frightened? We can call on the Lord, cry out, depend on Him because, at those times, we’re keenly aware that He is our Helper. And that…I believe…is exactly what He wants. If you are a parent of an adult child, nothing warms your heart like the feeling your child still needs you, asks you for help, trusts you. And…so it is with our Father.

I could go on and on about all the things that can make a flight challenging—especially in these times– but this I know for sure: my Pilot is knowledgeable, trustworthy, and always wants the best for me. I’ll fly the friendly skies of Jesus any ole day. Will you join me?