“The fruit is what matters, not how gnarly or beautiful the apple tree is.”
Aiden Wilson Tozer
“Everybody is twelve years old in an apple orchard.”
Rachel Ray
“Time ripens the substance of life as the seasons mellow and perfect its fruits. The best apples fall latest and keep longest.”
Amos Bronson Alcott
Jamie Langston Turner
(Novelist and Christy award winner)
Allison Cobb of Cocoa Beach
I'm loving these devotions, Miss Luh-waine. You're such a good writer. Layout is so cool!...
Karen Ross of Columbus
I'm discovering that, like potato chips, I can't ‘read just one. You've turned the innocently delightful remarks by the children into a blessing for us adults who never outgrow our need for growing in the Lord.
Bobbie Farmer
Allia Zobel Nolan
Post. Ponder. Affirm. Apply, and Pray. Author Lorraine Ray bids her audience follow this pattern as they read through a series of devotions designed to dig deeper into the “ordinary” and look for the “Cheese-us Moment” within. Ray uses sweetly hilarious children’s misspeaks, such as “Cheese-us,” Duetermom-omy,” and other innocent gaffes to point to relatable, joyous, and meaningful Scripture messages, showing that often, out of the mouths of babes, come important lessons. We just need to look for them. As Ray confirms in the writing of this lovely devotional, (which though based on the children she teaches, is definitely an adult book) when kids say the “darndest things,” it’s the “confidence with which they do it, that makes their flubs irresistible.” This book is equally as irresistible.
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The Disappearing Book
The Yellow Bus
The Wind and the Rain
My Red Bag
Hooray for Harriet
Read more about how YES, CHEESE-US LOVES ME! came to be written
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